FBI Field Offices and Legal Attachés – As part of the FBI Internal Affairs Division, Mr. Holdeman designed and implemented the risk-based compliance review methodology to assess FBI field offices operations. He trained and led teams of inspectors to conduct the compliance assessment of multiple field offices. Assessment activities included the review of business records, testing of processes, and the conduct of employee and liaison interviews. His teams identified field office best practices and process weaknesses. He drafted final reports with detailed corrective actions necessary for field office remediation, and conducted follow-up procedures to ensure corrective actions were completed.
FBI Executive Leadership Assessment Program – Mr. Holdeman designed and implemented the methodology to assess FBI field office executive leadership. He established criteria to evaluate performance and led the development of surveys and interview assessment questions. He selected the assessment team members and created the deliverables to include briefing documents and the final report. He led the inaugural field office assessment which identified substantial leadership issues, resulting in the removal and replacement of two FBI executives.
Forensic Accountant Resource Study – Mr. Holdeman led a team of consultants in the design and execution of a study to identify forensic accountant resource needs for the FBI Counterintelligence Division (CD). He designed data collection activities, including the use of surveys and interviews, and the review of client materials. He identified government and contractor forensic accountant resource options. Mr. Holdeman published a final written report and briefed the team's findings to FBI executives. The study resulted in the hiring of forensic accountant resources in support of the CD mission set.